Utah VHF Society (A non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) organization) |
If you haven't renewed it for 2025 yet, renew your Utah VHF Society Membership now!
Remember: The "year" for Utah VHF Society membership goes from January 1 through December 31 of the year, so your membership may have just expired - see the "expiry" list at the link above to see where you stand.
We ask that if you pay via PayPal that you renew for at least two years. An individual "Lifetime" membership is also available for a one-time cost of $450 Supporting the Idaho portion of the Intermountain Intertie After much discussion, the Utah VHF Society Officers have agreed to begin an initial effort to ask the Idaho hams who would like to support the Idaho portion of the Intertie System to join the Utah VHF Society.Any funds obtained through this effort or any donations we obtain from Idaho hams will be dedicated to Idaho Intertie System repeaters. Enough funds were raised via recent efforts to address some crucial needs, such as the purchase of new batteries for the Sawtell (West Yellowstone) repeater site and upgrade and maintenance for other projects. As more funds become available additional improvements will be made to the Idaho system. If you want to help with this effort you may do so through the Utah VHF Society (contact information is here). Any funds obtained through this effort or any donations we obtain from Idaho hams will be dedicated to Idaho Intertie System repeaters. Please mark your membership and or donations for Idaho. See our new Tips for New Hams page, with a bunch of info useful to new hams (and Mel says useful for longtime hams like himself too! 🙂 ) |
regarding your membership status may be directed to the Treasurer of the Utah VHF
Society. For the
status of your UVHFS membership, check the "How to Join or Renew"
page first!