The Utah VHF Society holds its weekly swap and traffic net on Tuesday at 8:00 pm. Beginning January 2003 the net moved to the 147.120 MHz repeater. This repeater has a POSITIVE offset and it requires a 100 Hz subaudible tone. Note that the tone requirement will NOT be turned off for the net! This means that you'll either have to break out the manual to figure out how to program a 100 Hz tone, or use a different radio. Sorry! Why move the net from the '94 repeater? While both the '12 and 94 repeaters are located on Farnsworth Peak in the Oquirrh mountains (approximately 18 miles southwest of downtown Salt Lake City) the '12 repeater has much better coverage to the north than '94 owing to its antenna location. Also, the '12 repeater is linked into the Intermountain Intertie - a system of many repeaters covering several states. This will allow people to check into the net from a much wider area than was possible with the '94. There is a roll call associated with this net consisting of those members of the Utah VHF Society that wish to be placed on the roll. Traffic on the net may consist of announcements pertaining to amateur radio and related activities. It is requested that when listing an item for sale/swap that it be amateur-related. Prices of the items may be announced, but please use the telephone for negotiations. |
Often, people new to the hobby (or the net) are confused by the purpose of the roll call taken at the beginning of the VHF Society net. This roll call is for those who are members of the Utah VHF Society who wish to be called to check in and state whether they have traffic or not. If you are not a member, you cannot be placed on the roll, but if you have traffic for the net, you will be allowed to list it after the roll call is complete: You might think of being placed on the roll as an incentive to join. It should be noted that, when you join the VHF Society, you will be placed on the roll ONLY if you specifically ask, either in writing, with your dues, or during the net. What about if you are dropped from the roll because you didn't check in for a month? Don't worry: It has no effect at all on your standing as a member of the VHF Society. In fact, if you don't plan to check in regularly it would be preferable that you not be on the roll so that the time spent calling the roll is reduced. "Why aren't the listings of the swapnet listed here on the web page?" That's a good idea. If you wish to volunteer your time to transcribe, update, and maintain such a list, contact one of the officers of the VHF Society. |
Repeaters carrying the Utah VHF Society Swap and Traffic net:
Now that the swap net is officially being held on the 147.12 repeater, it's being linked full-time into the Intermountain Intertie allows people to check in from places that were not covered by the 146.94 repeater.
In fact, if there is a repeater that
you can use more easily than the 147.12 repeater to check
into the net, you are encouraged to use it!
Repeaters that are "always" connected include:
147.12 + (100.0 Hz) on Farnsworth Peak. This repeater provides good coverage of the entire Salt Lake, Utah and Tooele valleys. It also covers into Davis, Weber, and Box Elder counties but coverage may be spotty the farther north you go due to some slight blockage to the north.
147.18 + (100.0 Hz) on Hidden Peak. This repeater (you may read about it on the Hidden Peak Repeater web page) is located at the top of the Snowbird Ski Resort tram. This repeater provides good coverage of Heber and Park City as well as to the north and east into the Uinta range and southeastern Wyoming. This repeater also has good coverage along the extreme western edge of the Salt Lake valley where the Oquirrh range itself may shadow 147.12.
145.27 - (100.0 Hz) on Scott's Hill, near Guardsman Pass at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon. This repeater has coverage that is very similar to that of the Hidden Peak repeater except that it has somewhat better coverage into Park City and some parts of southeastern Wyoming.
147.02 + (100.0 Hz) near Laketown (Bear Lake, Rich County.) This repeater covers the Bear Lake and surrounding communities and provides some coverage into southeastern Wyoming.
146.86 - (100.0 Hz) on Medicine Butte near Evanston, Wyoming. This repeater provides coverage of Evanston and southeastern Wyoming and the northern slopes of the Uinta range.
Repeaters that are usually connected include:
146.94 - (100.0 Hz) on Frisco Peak, about 80 miles north of Cedar City. This repeater provides coverage in the west-central portion of the state of Utah, including Cedar City and Delta.
146.80 - (100.0 Hz) on Blowhard Peak. This repeater covers much of the extreme southern portion of the state of Utah.
146.85 - (100.0 Hz) on Jumpoff Peak, near Howe, Idaho. This repeater covers much of the central and upper Snake River Basin, including Idaho Falls.
145.27 - (100.0 Hz) on Mt. Harrison in Southern Idaho. This repeater covers central part of the Snake River Basin from west of Twin Falls to east of Idaho Falls.
145.23 - (100.0 Hz) on Sawtelle Peak, near West Yellowstone, Montana. This repeater covers much of the upper Snake River Basin, including Idaho Falls and Rexburg as well as much of Yellowstone National Park.
Please note:
This page was last updated
on 20121220
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