The Utah VHF Society

The Intermountain Intertie

The Intermountain Intertie is a more-or-less informal collection of repeaters located in northern Utah/Southwestern Wyoming, many of which (but not all) are supported in part by the VHF Society.  This system is a hub-and-spoke system, with the Hidden Peak (the so-called "Snowbird") repeater 147.18 (+) repeater acting as one of the hubs.  If you are interested in seeing pictures of this repeater and reading more about it, go to the Hidden Peak Repeater page.  There is also a page for the 146.86 Medicine Butte repeater.  To look at a growing collection of pictures and info about other repeaters in the Intermountain Intertie, go to the Other Repeaters of the Intermountain Intertie page.

Configuration:  This system is usually linked to other repeaters/systems in the network that collectively cover much of central and southern Idaho, southwestern Wyoming, northern Utah, western and southwestern Utah, northwestern Arizona, and northeastern Nevada.

Etiquette:  Because of this extensive geographical coverage, please be courteous of others that may be wanting to use the system, frequently leaving time for breaks, and limiting QSOs to no more than 10 minutes during the heavier usage times - and it is uncouth to monopolize the system at any time.  Keep in mind that it takes a good portion of a second for all of the various links to 'turn around' so be sure to pause for several seconds when you allow for breaks, and key up for about a second before you say your first word. 

Table showing status of intertie repeaters:

Repeater site Nearby City Frequency PL tone Status Notes Comments
Northern Utah
& SW Wyoming
Farnsworth Peak Salt Lake 147.12 (+) 100.0 Green

Snowbird Alta 147.18 (+) 100.0 Green

Scotts Peak Brighton 145.27 (-) 100.0 Green

Morgan Morgan 145.35 (-) 100.0 Green
New repeater on the Intertie as of 2024.11.08
Promontory Ogden 145.49 (-) 100.0 Green

Medicine Butte Evanston, Wy 146.86 (-) 100.0 Green

Bear Lake Garden City 147.02 (+) 100.0 Green
Mt Pisgah Logan 449.65 (-) 100.0 Green
Central Utah
Levan Peak Levan 145.27 (-) 103.5 Green

Frisco Peak Milford 146.94 (-) 100.0 Green

Monroe Peak Richfield 146.84 (-) 100.0 Red Down Off the air as of 2024.11.26.
Southern Utah
Blowhard Cedar City 146.8 (-) 100.0 Green

Utah Hill St George 146.82 (-) 100.0 Green
Tod's Junction Hatch 147.2 (+) 100.0 Green
Navajo Mtn Page, Az 448.6 (-) 100.0 Green

Cedar Mtn Castle Dale, UT 147.12 (+) 100.0 Green Added on 2024.10.09
Jacob Lake Fredonia, Az 147.3 (-) 100.0 Yellow Antenna or feedline failure
Mt Elden Flagstaff, Az 448.875 (-) 100.0 Green
Towers Mountain Prescott, Az 449.175 (-) 100.0 Green

Scottsdale Airpark Scottsdale, Az 441.625 (+) 100.0 Green

White Tanks Phoenix, Az 442.275 (+) 100.0 Green

Mt Potosi Las Vegas, Nv 146.88 (-) 100.0 Yellow
Off link as of 2025.01.23
Malad Malad, Id 447.225 (-) 100.0 Green

Jumpoff Arco, Id 146.85 (-) 100.0 Green
Sawtell West Yellowstone 145.23 (-) 100.0 Green
Mt Harrison Burley, Id 145.27 (-) 100.0 Yellow Off link as of 2025.01.23
Mtn. Home Mt. Home, Id 145.15 (-) 100.0 Yellow Off link as of 2025.01.23
Shafer Butte Bosie, Id 145.13 (-) 100.0 Yellow Off link as of 2025.01.23
Sedgwick Peak Lava Hot Springs, Id 145.21 (-) 100.0 Green
Snowbank Cascade, Id 146.66 (-) 100.0 Yellow Off link as of 2025.01.23
Malheur Butte Ontario, Oregon 147.100 (+) 100.0 Yellow Off link as of 2025.01.23

Map showing mostly the Utah portion of the Intermountain Intertie
A map of the Intermountain Intertie and its connected repeaters..
Click on the image for a larger version
This map shows those repeaters that are normally linked together.
For additional link information, read the text.

The repeaters directly linked into this system:

Please note:  The following repeaters share the same frequency as two other Intertie repeaters, so please refrain from using any of these repeaters in areas better-serviced by a more "local" intertie repeater.  Also be aware that the Mount Harrison repeater also shares 145.270 as well.
The link to the south:

Some of the repeaters linked on this path are aligned with the Utah VHF Society, while others are voluntarily linked into the system by their respective organizations and owners.  Through the southern link, the following repeaters are usually connected:

The link to the north:

There is an additional link that connects to the north into a similar system operated in Idaho.  The link to the north into Idaho connects these repeaters:

Occasionally, connectivity into Oregon (and other areas) is possible.  This can happen when operators of those other systems remotely link into an intertie-connected repeater. Note:  Such operations are not usually under direct control of the operator(s) of an intertie repeater.

IRLP Connectivity:  Direct connectivity to IRLP Node #3660 is currently NOT available.  Please read this for more information.

There are other repeaters that may be linked to the above repeaters on a full or part-time basis.  Information on other repeaters will be posted if/when it becomes available.

"Who maintains all of this?"

A system this extensive cannot practically be maintained by just one person.  Suffice it to say, there are a few key people who do most of the work to keep this system operational.  To list those people here would be unfair, as it is a group effort and someone would undoubtedly be overlooked.

If you wish to help maintain this system, please join the Utah VHF Society (the address is given on the  home page) or the appropriate local repeater group (for those outside of Utah.) If you have any questions about this system, feel free to ask John Lloyd, K7JL.  Even if he isn't in charge of the repeater(s) that you are wondering about (i.e. the Southern Utah, Idaho or Montana repeaters), he can probably put you in touch with those who are

Current Intermountain Intertie projects:

Slides for the presentation "Intermountain Intertie System 2022" at the Utah Emergency Communications Conference held on Nov. 5, 2022 are available here:  Intermountain_Intertie2022Nov03a.pdf and the conference video is on YouTube at .  (Intermountain Intertie presentation starts at .)

If YOU are interested in helping out with any of these projects, please contact John Lloyd, K7JL.

Some additional information may be found at the  Rainbow Canyons Amateur Radio Club page describing this system:  This site also contains pictures of some of these radio sites.  Also, see the Other Repeaters of the Intermountain Intertie page.

Questions, updates, or comments pertaining to this web page may be directed to:

This page was last updated on 20240724 by webmaster / engineer Gary Crum KK7DV

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