The Utah VHF
List of links
The following links are those that
may be of interest to amateurs or other electronic hobbyists:
Other Amateur Radio
Organizations, publications, and events (Utah):
Other Amateur Radio
Organizations and publications (National):
- ARA (Arizona Repeater Association) -This
organization manages a large number of repeaters in Arizona some of
which are linked to the Utah VHF Society intertie system.
(American Radio Relay League) - The largest
amateur radio organization in the U.S. and the publisher of
QST, QEX as well as a few other periodicals. Good source
of information (news, regulatory, happenings, etc.) concerning
all aspects of amateur radio - including becoming an amateur
(AMateur SATellite) - This organization
promotes amateur satellite operations.
- CQ Magazine
- "The Radio Amateur's Journal". This magazine has
mix of articles about technical and operational matters,
perhaps with more emphasis on contesting.
(Tucson Amateur Packet Radio) - This
organization encourages experimentation in the "digital"
aspects of amateur radio. This includes everything from
packet radio to DSP experimentation.
The above lists are, by no means,
complete: You are encouraged to surf on your own to find
more information.
Local suppliers -
Amateur Radio (and related) gear:
Local suppliers -
Electronic components and equipment (new, used, surplus):
- Standard
Supply - Good selection of wire/cable,
components, connectors (including the so-called "ARES"
[Anderson Power Pole 30 amp] connectors.) Closed from
noon to 1 pm weekdays.
- WOW Surplus
(a.k.a. "Intersting Supply") - A local online parts supplier
of new, used, and surplus electronic components and
equipment. Although there is no walk-in business, "will-call"
pickup of merchandise can be arranged in Sandy - see the
web site for inventory and ordering/delivery/will-call
details. This web site may be under construction, so look very carefully for links.
- Please note: Salt Lake Instruments closed during the summer of 2014 with the retirement of its owner.
Amateur Radio equipment
- Alinco - Maker of all types of
radios from HF through UHF.
- Ameritron - Power amplifiers for HF - now part of the MFJ family.
- Cushcraft
- Maker of HF/VHF and UHF antennas - now part of the MFJ family.
- Directive Systems
- Another maker of antennas, specializing in VHF/UHF/Microwave
- Downeast
Microwave - Maker/supplier of VHF/UHF/Microwave
gear such as transverters, amplifiers, and supplier of
Directive Systems' antennas, etc.
- Elecraft
- Maker of Kits/Transceivers/Modules for the HF enthusiast.
- ICOM America Inc. - Maker of all
types of radios from HF through 1.2 GHz
- Kenwood Communications Co. - Maker
of all types of radios from HF through 1.2 GHz
- M-Squared
- Maker of VHF/UHF antennas and related equipment.
- Manufacturer and seller of many amateur radio accessories
and antennas - now part of
the MFJ family.
- Mirage Amps - Manufacturer of a
complete line of VHF/UHF amplifiers
- Ten-Tec - Makers of high-quality HF
radios, Kits, and enclosures
- Yaesu - Maker of all types of
radios from HF through 1.2 GHz.
U.S. Regulatory:
Questions, updates, requested additions or comments pertaining
to this web page may be directed to:
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