K7JL's Email Address Page

Because of SPAM
(hopefully not sent by you...)
you have reached this page.

K7JL's email address is:
kayy sevuhn jayy ell at yaw-who dawt
Do NOT click on the above for the email address - it will NOT work!

If you found a link that pointed to an invalid email address, PLEASE LET ME KNOW where the link was so that I can get it fixed! 

(I believe that I have changed all of them on my pages - but I may have missed something...)

Or, in phonetic format in case you don't have a graphical browser:

"kay sevuhn jayy ell at yaw-who dawt calm"

(say it aloud if it doesn't make sense...)

My email address above is in machine non-readable formats.  The problem is that I just get WAY too much SPAM, with my email address having been "harvested" from the web pages.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll just have to type in the email address manually.

 Last update: 20030417