147.04 MHz K7DAV Repeater
Antelope Is.

Repeater Access Information
Output Frequency: 147.04 MHz
Input Frequency: 147.64 MHz
Offset: +600 kHz
Open/Closed: Open
CTCSS: 123.0 Hz
General Location: Antelope Is.
Site: Antelope Is.
Area: Wasatch Front
Lat:    41.0147° N.   (41°00'53")
Lon:  112.2083° W. (112°12'30")
Elevation: 4959 ft.
Repeater Callsign: K7DAV
Sponsor: Davis County Amateur Radio Club
Web Site: Link
Additional Information
Features: Closed Autopatch
Emergency power
Wide area coverage
Link to law enforcement
ERP: 50 W
Coordinated: 32001
Info Updated:    42998
Mail Address: 2012
This repeater may require a subaudible tone for access. Repeaters in this category are often run with no tone access, as conditions permit. This repeater does transmit the indicated tone and the user may program his/her tone squelch to to use it.

  • North Salt Lake to South Ogden
  • Wasatch Front from Ogden to the Utah/Idaho border.


Note:  If there is information listed that you believe to be incorrect, or if you can supply missing data, please contact the Frequency Coordinator.